/** * JS Language File: English */ var message_pop_up_lang = { // DEFAULT 'error' : 'An Error Occurred', 'no_permission' : 'You do not have permission for that action', 'cannot_cont' : 'Cannot continue with this request', 'settings_updated' : 'Settings Updated', // Custom errors: 'pp_date_error' : 'Date must be a legal valid date', 'pp_comment_error' : 'You cannot post empty comments', 'pp_friend_exist' : 'That member does not appear to exist', 'pp_friend_already' : 'You already have that member as your friend', 'pp_friend_removed' : 'Friend(s) Removed', 'pp_icq_error' : 'Your ICQ identity must be numeric', // Friend added: 'pp_friend_added' : 'Your friend(s) have been added to your list!', 'pp_friend_added_mod' : 'Your friend must approve your request', 'pp_friend_approved' : 'Friend request approved', // Comments update 'pp_comments_updated' : 'Comments updated', 'pp_comment_added_mod' : "Comment must be approved before it's shown", // POLL MODULE 'already_voted' : 'You have already voted', // ARTICLES MODULE 'rating_updated' : 'Your rating has been updated', 'rating_added' : 'Your rating has been added', 'rating_already' : 'You have rated this article already' }; /** * Global stuff */ var ipb_global_lang = { // ERROR 'post_upload_not_empty' : 'You have an item to be uploaded. Click the UPLOAD button to upload it or click OK to continue without uploading', // EDITORS 'editor_enter_url' : 'Please enter the full URL', 'editor_enter_title' : 'Please enter the title for this item', 'editor_enter_email' : 'Please enter the email address', 'editor_enter_image' : 'Please enter the URL for this image', 'editor_enter_video' : 'Please enter the URL for this video', 'editor_enter_list' : 'Enter a list item', // GENERAL 'general_error' : 'Error', 'general_ok' : 'OK', 'image_resized' : 'Reduced: <%1>% of original size [ <%2> x <%3> ] - Click to view full image', 'image_attach_percent' : 'Reduced <%1>%', 'image_attach_no_percent' : 'Image Reduced', 'image_attach_dims' : '<%1> x <%2>', 'image_attach_size' : ' (<%1>)', 'click_to_view' : 'Click to view full image', 'view_full_size' : 'View full size image', 'visit_my_website' : 'Visit My Website' };